He Is Risen

Resurrection Sunday is a powerful and emotional reminder of the gift of the cross. 

If you’re lucky, the Easter feeling lasts until the alarm goes off Monday morning. If you’re the family at Chili’s last night with the screaming toddler, it ended at 5:47 pm. 

What do we do when the good feelings of Easter wear off? 

We need to remember that the Resurrection wasn’t an end to a holy week. It was the beginning of a new relationship and a paradigm shift in our views on life, death, and joy on both sides of the veil. 

Jesus’ disciples stayed in community with each other and spent time learning more from the Master in the days and weeks to come, and that’s exactly what we need to do. We need to study scripture, cling to our community of believers, and embrace the Gospel with Holy Week zeal.

For a few hours on Easter Sunday we may successfully suspend reality and forget our problems, but they will come back. Jesus’ death and resurrection don’t make those go away, but they should change our ability to view them in light of eternity, knowing they are all temporary and we don’t face them alone.

Easter Sunday is the official remembrance of the holiest of events, but every day of the calendar is an opportunity to live the Resurrected Life with Jesus.

As followers of Jesus, our minds, hearts, and faces need to reflect Resurrection Light and Life long after the deviled eggs have been eaten and the plastic eggs hunted. 

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